Monday, January 11, 2010

Get better soon tea

Hello my fellow readers! I am sorry for the long delay in between posts. I've been busy; to say the least. I recently was hired at Compass Airlines and though training doesn't start till February first I've had a lot of stuff I've needed to do.

My other excuse is that I haven't had any new tea to drink in awhile. Until last week when I caught the flu or a cold... not sure which. Anyway, in our cabinet we had a cold season sampler of Yogi Tea. Which proved to be not only good but also very helpful. Each sampler pack comes with four different teas: Breathe Deep, Cold Season, Echinacea Immune Support, and Throat Comfort. If you have a cold I suggest you try these out. They won't help you with alleviating your symptoms right away like medicine does but it will help your body fight the virus to knock it back.

When your fighting the flu it's okay to take stuff like Tylenol Cold & Sinus but they only alleviate the symptoms they don't help kill the flu/cold. If you want to kill it faster take things like Vitamin c (I was taking ester c), vitamin d, and echinacea pills. Ah but I really do want to talk about that tea before I have to go to work so here we go:

Name: Breathe Deep
Type: Herbal
Company: Yogi
Purchased: Cubs
Taste: If your having trouble breathing this is a good one to sit and sip and hold your nose over.

Name: Cold Season
Taste: One I would probably only drink when I have the flu but it does taste better then medicine. It's just very herby.

Name: Echinacea Immune Support
Taste: My favorite of the box. Never thought a flower would taste good but it does. It's a bit strong but when you have the flu the stronger the better.

Name: Throat Comfort
Taste: Second favorite. Very calming for when you have a sore throat and the like.

Hope everyone is faring well. What type of tea do you guys drink when you get the flu/cold?

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